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Top 10 Most Exotic, Amazing and Beautiful Forests in the World

10. Sherwood Forest

Sherwood Forest
Sherwood Forest
Sherwood Forest is a Royal Forest in Nottinghamshire, England, that is famed through its historical connotation with the folktale of Robin Hood. Constantly forested since the end of the Ice Age, Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve today covers 423 hectares (1.63 square-miles) remnant surrounding the village of Edwinstowe, the site of Thoresby Hall. The wooded forest of today is a remainder of a much grander royal hunting forest, named as the “shire wood” of Nottinghamshire, which in fact protracted into numerous adjoining counties (shires), bounded on the west along the River Erewash and the Forest of East Derbyshire. Sherwood entices 500,000 tourists yearly, including many from around the biosphere. Visitor numbers have augmented expressively since the takeoff of the BBC’s Robin Hood television series in 2006.

9. Giant Redwoods Forest

Giant Redwoods Forest
Giant Redwoods Forest
The Giant Redwoods of California are the loftiest, tallest and one of the most colossal tree species on Earth. They can breed up to 380 feet (115m) in height and up to 26 feet (8m) in diameter. These trees can live up to 2,200 years. The Giant Redwoods are an evergreen tree only found in California. The lenient, tough tree bark is up to 12 inches thick with a red-brown color. No tour of California is complete without seeing these massive Giant Redwoods.

8. Tongass National Forest

Tongass National Forest
Tongass National Forest
The Tongass National Forest in southeastern Alaska is the largest national forest in the United States at 17 million acres (69,000 km²). The Tongass National Forest is home to about 75,000 people who are dependent on the land for their livelihoods. Several Alaska Native tribes live throughout Southeast Alaska, such as the Tlingit, Haida, and Tsimshian. 31 communities are located within the forest; the largest is Juneau, the state capital, with a population of 31,000. The forest is named for the Tongass group of the Tlingit people, who populated the southernmost areas of the Alaska panhandle near what is now Ketchikan.

7. The Inland Rainforest

The Inland Rainforest
The Inland Rainforest
The inland rainforest, also known as the inland moderate rainforest in the classification system of the WWF, is a temperate rainforest in the Central Interior of British Columbia. It is part of the Interior Cedar Hemlock (ICH) zone of the biogeoclimatic zones system developed by the BC Ministry of Forests, in the Rocky Mountain Trench. One of the richest parts of this wet belt lies 110 kilometers (68 mi) east of the city of Prince George and nearly a thousand kilometers (600 miles) east of the coastal rainforests. The oldest and most diverse parts of the forest are typically found on northeasterly aspect wet toe slopes, with Western Red Cedar (Thuja plicata) trees over 1,000 years old and undisturbed forest stands much older than that.

6. The Great Bear Rainforest

The Great Bear Rainforest
The Great Bear Rainforest
The Great Bear Rainforest is the name coined by environmental groups in the mid-1990s to refer to a region of temperate rain forest in Canada, on the British Columbia Coast between Vancouver Island and Southeast Alaska. Part of the larger Pacific temperate rain forest Eco region, the Great Bear Rainforest, roughly 64,000 square kilometers (25,000 sq mi) in size, was previously known by the government and the forest industry as “the Mid and North Coast Timber Supply Areas”. The Great Bear Rainforest is one of the largest remaining tracts of unspoiled temperate rainforest left in the world. The area is home to hundreds of species, including cougars, wolves, salmon, grizzly bears, and the Kermode (“spirit”) bear, a unique subspecies of the black bear, in which one in ten cubs display a recessive white colored coat. The forest features 1,000 year old Western Red Cedar and 90 meter Sitka Spruce.

5. The Cloud Forests

The Cloud Forests
The Cloud Forests
Cloud forests, or montane forests, are unlike any others. Known as “nature’s water towers“, cloud forests play a unique role in evaporation and precipitation, helping to purify both water and air. Not only do these forests supply fresh water to nearby residents, they contain some of the most amazing biodiversity on earth. Most cloud forests are found in Asia and Central America, but they’re particularly threatened in Central America. In places like Guatemala, where 40% of the water comes from the cloud forest, preservation is essential. Though cloud forests are located around the world, Guatemala is emblematic of the cloud forest problem because its national symbol, the Resplendent Quetzal, is in danger of extinction as its habitat continues to be destroyed by logging, non-native species, development and climate change.

4. White Mountain National Forest

White Mountain National Forest
White Mountain National Forest
The Whites are on every leaf peeper’s radar as one of the best places in the country to catch the fall-color spectacle. When the mercury plunges and sends shivers through the sugar maples, white birches, and other hardwoods that control the valleys and middle slopes of these mountains, the whole landscape comes aflame; whether you walk, drive, ride, or paddle your way through these glowing forests, it’s an experience to remember. But fame has its price: Think twice before joining the bus, RV, and auto parade from Boston or New York to spots like North Conway on weekends in September and October.

3. Coconino National Forest, Arizona

Coconino National Forest, Arizona
Coconino National Forest, Arizona
Crisp fall climate and magnificent greenery aren’t the first thing that comes to mind when one thinks of Arizona. Nonetheless, that’s exactly what you’ll find in north-central Arizona’s Coconino National Forest. Much of Coconino is high-elevation Arizona, the mountains top out at 12,000 feet, and a lot of the land is over the patronizing Mogollon and Coconino Plateaus. Up high, the areas of ponderosa pines are broken by attitudes of aspen. Changing leaves announce fall’s coming as early as mid-September. That’s when forest roads and trails begin to bustle with the crowds of nature lovers who come to enjoy the display.

2. Pisgah National Forest

Pisgah National Forest
Pisgah National Forest
The northern forests of New England and the Midwest may get most of the fall-foliage propaganda, but down south of the Mason-Dixon Line, the Blue Ridge puts on a vibrant show of its own. Come October, few places are more appealing than the deeply crumpled scenery around Asheville, North Carolina, most of which lies within the limits of Pisgah National Forest. Crusty fall weather welcomes every shade of gold, red, and auburn to Pisgah’s variegated “cove forests,” the mixed-hardwood glories of the southern Appalachians.

1. Mark Twain National Forest, Missouri

Mark Twain National Forest, Missouri
Mark Twain National Forest, Missouri
Renowned for its beautiful scenic qualities, Mark Twain National Forest lies mostly within the Ozark Plateau, dotted with relic hills from this country’s oldest mountains, the Ozarks. Landscapes here range from mildly rolling plains to heavily dismembered areas with deep supple valleys containing clear, cool spring-fed rivers and streams. Peaks, hills, and knobs of varying heights are dispersed throughout. Bare rock and open glades augment visual interest in many areas, and the fall color is vibrant — the oaks, sweetgum, and sugar maple put on a show of yellow, orange and red. Along the river banks, one can find sycamore, Ozark witch hazel, elm, and other bottomland trees.
ADD By: http://www.latesttopten.com/top-10-most-exotic-amazing-and-beautiful-forests-in-the-world

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How to rid cough

Coughing not only annoys you but also irritates anyone nearby - whether a loved one, someone in the row in front at the movies, or the entire auditorium during a quiet solo at a classical concert. But if you have a productive cough, you don't want to suppress it; it's the body's way of clearing out mucus. You actually want to encourage it so you can get rid of the phlegm (flem) quickly and get the coughing over with. If you have a dry cough, on the other hand, the trick is to coat the throat and tame the tickle.


  1. Suck something soothing. or Smell Some Vapour Rub

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    • For 'productive' coughs, try white horehound. A bittersweet horehound and aniseed cough mixture, available in drug stores/pharmacies.
    • For 'dry' coughs, try and get a hold of cough lozenges (sold online and in some health-food shops). Made from the bark of the slippery elm tree, these were once medicine-chest staples. Slippery elm is loaded with a gel-like substance that coats the throat and keeps coughing to a minimum.

  2. Dose a cough with homemade syrups.
    Dose a cough with homemade syrups.
    Dose a cough with homemade syrups.
    • Blend 2 tablespoons of lemon juice with 1 tablespoon of honey and add a pinch of cayenne pepper. The honey coats your throat, soothing irritated tissues, while the lemon reduces inflammation and delivers a dose of infection-fighting vitamin C. The cayenne boosts circulation in the area, hastening the healing process. Instead of cayenne, add a little freshly grated onion. Onions contain irritating compounds that trigger the cough reflex and bring up phlegm.
    • Another onion remedy is to peel and chop 6 medium onions and put them with 4 tablespoons of honey into a bowl set over a pan of boiling water (or double boiler). Cover and simmer for 2 hours. Strain the mixture and take 1 tablespoon every 2 or 3 hours.
    • Mix a little blackcurrant cordial (choose a 'high-juice' version) with a LOT of port, although the alcohol is purely therapeutic to help you sleep.

  3. Brew a cough-calming tea.
    Brew a cough-calming tea.
    Brew a cough-calming tea.
    • Thyme is an expectorant and also contains substances that relax the respiratory tract. To make thyme tea, place 2 tablespoons of fresh thyme (or 1 tablespoon of dried) into a cup of hot water. Allow it to infuse for 5 minutes, then strain out the herb. Add honey if you wish and drink.
    • Sip a cup of marshmallow tea. When combined with water, marshmallow leaf yields a gooey mucilage that coats the throat and also thins mucus in the lungs, making it easier to cough up. To make the tea, steep 2-3 grams of dried leaf in a cup of hot water for 10 minutes and strain before drinking. Drink a total of 3 cups a day.

  4.  Learn a new coughing technique. If your throat is strained and irritated from nonstop coughing, try this technique to head off a coughing fit.
    • The next time you feel a cough coming on, force yourself to take a series of small, gentle coughs, finally ending with a large one. The tiny coughs help move mucus towards the upper part of your air passage so you can expel more of it with a last, big cough.

  5. Put some rhythm in these steps.
    • If you're at home and you have a partner who can help, use a chest percussion technique to help clear the chest congestion.  
      1. Lie on your stomach on a firm bed or mat.
      2. Ask your partner to slap cupped hands rhythmically over your back, progressing from the lower back up towards your neck.Avoid the kidney area.
      3. Repeat several times until your congestion starts to loosen up.
      4. Drink some fluids every half hour

      ADD By : http://www.wikihow.com/Treat-a-Cough

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Tips-tips Agar Menjadi Pintar

Belajar mendadak menjelang ujian memang tidak efektif. Paling tidak sebulan sebelum ulangan adalah masa ideal untuk mengulang pelajaran. Materi yang banyak bukan masalah. Ada sepuluh cara pintar supaya waktu belajar kita menjadi efektif.

1. Belajar itu memahami bukan sekedar menghapal
Ya, fungsi utama kenapa kita harus belajar adalah memahami hal-hal baru. Kita boleh hapal 100% semua detail pelajaran, tapi yang lebih penting adalah apakah kita sudah mengerti betul dengan semua materi yang dihapal itu. Jadi sebelum menghapal, selalu usahakan untuk memahami dulu garis besar materi pelajaran.

2. Membaca adalah kunci belajar
Supaya kita bisa paham, minimal bacalah materi baru dua kali dalam sehari, yakni sebelum dan sesudah materi itu diterangkan oleh guru. Karena otak sudah mengolah materi tersebut sebanyak tiga kali jadi bisa dijamin bakal tersimpan cukup lama di otak kita.

3. Mencatat pokok-pokok pelajaran
Tinggalkan catatan pelajaran yang panjang. Ambil intisari atau kesimpulan dari setiap pelajaran yang sudah dibaca ulang. Kata-kata kunci inilah yang nanti berguna waktu kita mengulang pelajaran selama ujian.

4. Hapalkan kata-kata kunci
Kadang, mau tidak mau kita harus menghapal materi pelajaran yang lumayan banyak. Sebenarnya ini bisa disiasati. Buatlah kata-kata kunci dari setiap hapalan, supaya mudah diingat pada saat otak kita memanggilnya. Misal, kata kunci untuk nama-nama warna pelangi adalah MEJIKUHIBINIU, artinya merah, jingga, kuning, hijau, biru, nila dan ungu.

5. Pilih waktu belajar yang tepat
Waktu belajar yang paling enak adalah pada saaat badan kita masih segar. Memang tidak semua orang punya waktu belajar enak yang sama lo. Tapi biasanya, pagi hari adalah waktu yang tepat untuk berkonsentrasi penuh. Gunakan saat ini untuk mengolah materi-materi baru. Sisa-sisa energi bisa digunakan untuk mengulang pelajaran dan mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah.

6. Bangun suasana belajar yang nyaman
Banyak hal yang bisa buat suasana belajar menjadi nyaman. Kita bisa pilih lagu yang sesuai dengan mood kita. Tempat belajar juga bisa kita sesuaikan. Kalau sedang bosan di kamar bisa di teras atau di perpustakaan. Kuncinya jangan sampai aktivitas belajar kita mengganggu dan terganggu oleh pihak lain.

7. Bentuk Kelompok Belajar
Kalau lagi bosan belajar sendiri, bisa belajar bareng dengan teman. Tidak usah banyak-banyak karena tidak bakal efektif, maksimal lima orang. Buat pembagian materi untuk dipelajari masing-masing orang. Kemudian setiap orang secara bergilir menerangkan materi yang dikuasainya itu ke seluruh anggota lainnya. Suasana belajar seperti ini biasanya seru dan kita dijamin bakalan susah untuk mengantuk.

8. Latih sendiri kemampuan kita
Sebenarnya kita bisa melatih sendiri kemampuan otak kita. Pada setiap akhir bab pelajaran, biasanya selalu diberikan soal-soal latihan. Tanpa perlu menunggu instruksi dari guru, coba jawab semua pertanyaan tersebut dan periksa sejauh mana kemampuan kita. Kalau materi jawaban tidak ada di buku, cobalah tanya ke guru.

9. Kembangkan materi yang sudah dipelajari
Kalau kita sudah mengulang materi dan menjawab semua soal latihan, jangan langsung tutup buku. Cobalah kita berpikir kritis ala ilmuwan. Buatlah beberapa pertanyaan yang belum disertakan dalam soal latihan. Minta tolong guru untuk menjawabnya. Kalau belum puas, cari jawabannya pada buku referensi lain atau internet. Cara ini mengajak kita untuk selalu berpikir ke depan dan kritis.

10. Sediakan waktu untuk istirahat
Belajar boleh kencang, tapi jangan lupa untuk istirahat. Kalau di kelas, setiap jeda pelajaran gunakan untuk melemaskan badan dan pikiran. Setiap 30-45 menit waktu belajar kita di rumah selalu selingi dengan istirahat. Kalau pikiran sudah suntuk, percuma saja memaksakan diri. Setelah istirahat, badan menjadi segar dan otak pun siap menerima materi baru.
Satu lagi, tujuan dari ulangan dan ujian adalah mengukur sejauh mana kemampuan kita untuk memahami materi pelajaran di sekolah. Selain menjawab soal-soal latihan, ada cara lain untuk mengetes apakah kita sudah paham suatu materi atau belum. Coba kita jelaskan dengan kata-kata sendiri setiap materi yang sudah dipelajari. Kalau kita bisa menerangkan dengan jelas dan teratur, tak perlu detail, berarti kita sudah paham.

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